Tips For Staying Positive During Lockdown.

Hey, hey, long time no Blog. Life is seriously full on when you have a little one so I thought, as he is fast approaching his first birthday (sob), I might start creating again in my tiny corner of the internet. What better place to start than with Lockdown!

It's so easy to get sucked into the media and scroll for hours scaring ourselves silly about what's going on - admit it, we've all been there. These aren't tips are such but little things I have been doing to stay positive during this very weird time.

Communication - so so important. If you're living alone make sure you speak to friends and family regularly, I have a WhatsApp group with my family. Set up a Zoom quiz night with Family or friends once a week. If you're living with family, speak to them about everything, for example I've been struggling this week with lack of sleep and feeling like I repeating the day over and over again. I spoke to my husband last night and today in his lunch break he took T out for a 30 min walk, whilst it wasn't raining. In that time, I managed to get T's stuff ready for bedtime, got his clothes out for tomorrow, cleaned the kitchen, did a massive load of washing and sat down for 10 minutes. My house is now semi organised for the rest of the day and therefore my mind is a lot clearer.

Declutter/ Spring Clean - I'm a massive fan of the wardrobe clear out. Take it a room at a time, or your bedroom if you're still living at home; declutter and spring clean it, it'll make you feel so much better.

Self Care - look after your body. Paint your nails; mine seriously need some love, have a bath, do a face mask and relax.

Exercise - get walking. We're allowed an hour of exercise a day so take it. Get out of the house and go for a walk. We have a meadow and field access right next to our house and it has only been during lockdown that we've actually used them (we've lived here 5 years). Fresh air is so good for your mindset.

Date Night - get dressed up and pretend you're off out for the evening. Me and my husband did this a couple of Fridays ago and sat down in the lounge to watch The Phantom of the Opera. It was nice to make an effort for a change and to watch something that isn't one of my soaps lol. There are Concerts, Plays and Shows being shown on YouTube weekly. Try it for yourself, it will be something I'll always remember about lockdown.

Read - even if you're not normally a big reader it is so nice to disappear into another world. Read that one book you've never had time to read. So far in lockdown I've lived with the three Fossil Orphans and Sara Crew in London, visited the Wizarding World with Newt Scamander, followed the three Railway Children, watched Anne grow, explored the countryside with Mole, Rat, Badger and Toad and finally I'm currently living on a mountain with Heidi.

Make a List - god I love lists lol. I have a list for everything as we all know but I've recently started a new list (oooh) of all the things I want to do when life gets a little more normal, for example I want to take my boy to the Farm as he's never seen the animals and take him to soft play as he loves to climb.

Do some Gardening - if you're lucky enough to have a garden, spend time in it when you can; dead head and pull up weeds. Even if you just have house plants, give them a nice water in the shower.

Limit News Coverage - I watch 10 minutes of the daily update as I don't like not knowing the update and then switch it straight back to the oblivious world of CBeebies.

I'm seeing this situation as a chance to slow down, reassess and reset my life. Life will go back to normal at some point so take this experience and make it a good one as best you can. Enjoy being with your family and have fun along the way. We work so hard to pay for our homes, hopefully this is a chance to really enjoy being in our homes.

Thank you for reading, I'm going back to my little bubble with my boys.



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