5 Things We've Stocked Up On Ready For Baby's Arrival.

As some of you may or may not know I am an overly organised person. My mum opened my airing cupboard the other day and said it should be on some sort of organisational programme lol. I get laughed at a lot because everything in my house has a place. If you want a spare charger for example and let's face it who has time to keep searching for things when they can go to the cupboard and find the basket labelled leads and instantly find what they are after, am I right. I'm basically Marie Kondos biggest fan lol.

So it will come as no surprise that there are a few things I have stocked up on for ready for Baby's arrival. I don't want to have to be worrying about running out of things during the first few weeks, when I won't know what time of day it is, let alone when I'll have time to go to the shops.

1. NAPPIES - shock! I did a lot of research on nappies and therefore decided to stock up on the Aldi Mamia nappies as, I only read great things about them and the price well that speaks for itself. I also bought a few packs of Pampers nappies which I intend to use during the night as I think they might more adsorbent.

2. WIPES - Again I looked into the best wipes and started adding Water Wipes to our weekly shop when they were on offer. I was also given 4 packs of ASDAs Little Angels Wipes at the Baby Show. I've basically been buying Wipes when I've seen good ones on offer. Again I also invested in the Aldi Mamia wipes during their baby event as we got a box of 12 packets for something ridiculous like £5.85! I figured you can never have too many wipes.

 3. MUSLINS - I've been using various shopping lists to make sure I get all the essentials we need and muslins is a must. I've stocked up on 20 which I've been laughed at for but honestly I bet I use every single one, if not more. They can be used for all sorts of purposes and I think will come to be baby misshap lifesavers.

4. COTTON WOOL - you name it i have it, from cotton wool balls to square pads. These are another item I've been adding occasionally to our weekly shop to build up my supplies. I figured you can never have too much cotton wool for Top n' Tail washes and nappy changes.

5. FOOD - I don't want to have to rely on my mum making meals for us during the first couple of weeks so, I plan on batch making meals and sauces that can be defrosted from the freezer. I will also stock up the freezer with a couple of loaves of bread and milk.

Leave me a comment and let me know what you stocked up on.
Thank you for reading
Love. Hx


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