Two Days in Brighton.

Since I've been with my partner, we have visited quite a few European cities. With our wedding fast approaching, we wanted a trip away but not somewhere too far. I get bad anxiety when travelling abroad and with the stress of wedding planning, I didn't want to add to it so, we chose Brighton. Brighton is somewhere we visit quite often for shopping but we have never stayed for more than a few hours. We have seen most of the tourist sites and thought it would be nice to wander around somewhere we knew, without constantly having to look at a map. Here's what we got up to...

Day One| Brighton's Smallest Coffee Shop & Brighton Pier 
So the first day was actually my partners birthday so, we got up early and caught the train as it's only an hour's journey from home. It was also a bit of a novelty travelling by train as, I tend to drive everywhere and was a lot cheaper than paying for parking for two and a bit days. Once we'd drop our bags off at the hotel, we took a stroll into town. On our way past Wahaca we saw a sign for Brighton's Smallest Coffee Shop, which upon closer inspection was just adorable, as it was set up inside a red telephone box. Now I absolutely love this sort of thing and to see a British icon being put to good use was lovely to see. My partner also said the coffee was pretty good as well.

We then wandered down to the Pier and spent a couple of hours wandering around the rides and playing on the 2p slot machines which was a very nostalgic way to spend an afternoon and one I would highly recommend. One thing I don't like about the pier is being able to see the sea through the gaps in the walkway, does it make anyone else paranoid? 

Day Two| The Lanes
The second day was literally spent walking around The Lanes as this was not something I had really done before. You could seriously walk around and around for hours and... we did. There are so many Instagram worthy streets with super pretty houses and unique shops, perfect for gifts or one off items. The Harry Potter shop, Oliver's Brighton, is well worth a visit for any Harry Potter fan. One of the best places we stumbled across was Spiderplant. This shop is hidden on the top floor of a vintage shop and has the most incredible house plant collection. Since having my own place, I have become a bit plant mad and now seem to have a plant in every room. This shop though, has so many amazing varieties and almost every inch of space is packed... plant lovers heaven.
Day Three| Churchill Square Shopping Centre & Dum Dum Donutterie
I've not really included this day as a full day because we went home before lunch and it was mostly spent walking around the main Churchill Square Shopping Centre. I might have taken a cheeky trip into the new Zara store which was beaut and MAC of course. We did also stop off for a Dum Dum Donut which was just delish. I would highly recommend them but would say, that if you want a choice of more than 5 flavours, get there earlier in the day if you can. The donuts are freshly made every day and are really popular, so they sell out quickly.
As always, thank you for reading
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