My 2018 Highlights.

So this is a little late but I didn't want to rush this one. 2018 was quite possibly the best one out of my 29 on this planet. Last year was the year a number of my dreams came true.

I've never been a career driven person but I always aim to work hard, I'm most definitely a home and family kinda gal. I never went to a sleepover when I was younger, yep I was that kid, because for the few hours away, I missed my family and home too much, it's just who I am. Therfore my goals in life have been home and family driven, here's my highlights for 2018.

1. Spa Hen Day

I don't drink, I really don't like being the centre of attention and I'd always wanted to go to a spa so, this was the perfect Hen Day for me. I loved the whole day, we ate, chilled and chatted... it was perfect.

2. Marrying My Best Friend ❤️

I don't think this one needs much written about it. We had the most perfect day with close family and friends. We felt very loved and I got to feel like a princess for the day.

3. Honeymoon - Sorrento

I wrote a blog post all about our time in Italy. I would highly recommend this part of Italy to everyone. It was just beautiful! If you haven't read it yet, here's the link - Sorrento Photo Diary.

4. Finally Sorting Things in our House

I had saved for such a long time to be able to one day buy my own house so, when we moved in 3 years ago I had a few plans. We decorated the downstairs loo, our bedroom and bathroom as, I hate the magnolia used in new builds with a passion. One of the projects was putting feature walls in our lounge and on the massive wall up our stairs. Our lounge wallpaper was done as a surprise by my parents as a wedding gift which, we came home to after our honeymoon. We also did our first gallery wall at the top of our stairs with wedding photos.

5. Promotion

This wasn't a big promotion but was big to me as I had been working so hard and for so long for the recognition I finally got in August.

6. Being an Auntie for the Third Time

It's always exciting to welcome a new member of the family. Who doesn't love a cute baby and the amazing journey watching them grow into their own character. As an Aunt it's always nice to hand them back when they cry (lol).

7. Highlands Trip

This is a blog post I really need to get round to writing. I really want to put together another photo diary of our stay in the Highlands as it really is a stunning part of the world and another place I would highly recommend visiting if you can. Watch this space.

8. Growing my Own Human

Surprise! This is probably why my instagram and blog post writing has fallen to the way side and is one hell of a cherry on top of a fabulous 2018 cake🤰

Thank you for reading


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