Two Nights in London.

Since being pregnant, going away has been pretty low on my priority list. However, over Christmas I decided I really wanted to go and see another West End show so, we looked at booking one and decided to go for a long weekend instead of just a day trip.

I've always loved London and was super excited about going, after I'd got over the emotional roller coater of realising I had booked it a month before I had intended, 'pregnancy brain' is real. It all worked out really well in the end but that didn't stop me beating myself up about it for a good 24 hours lol.

My husband kindly let me pick the show, as long as it wasn't Wicked, although I would have happily seen this for a 6th time, I decided on Matilda. The theatre is in Covent Garden, which is one of my favourite parts of London, so we decided to stay close by. As this was probably going to be one and only time we were going to go away together before the baby, we decided to spend a little more than we would have previously on a hotel.
We took a day off work on the Friday and travelled up by train. We thought that the journey was potentially going to be a nightmare as it was the week quite a lot of the country got snow and let's face it we are not a country that copes well in snow. Luckily our village didn't see a single flake so the journey was nice and straight forward without any delays. Once in London we hopped straight on the tube and headed to our hotel to drop our bag off.

We stayed for 2 nights at the Apex Temple Court Hotel in a City King room which was just off of Fleet Street and only a 15 minute walk to Covent Garden. The hotel was lovely and probably one of the nicest ones we've stayed in. It had a massive King size bed which was huge, it also had a massive shower and separate bath, which let me tell you was very much needed after the amount of walking we did!
Having checked in, our first stop was a well known coffee chain as we needed something quick and easy to eat before we carried on with our day. Once we were fed and watered we started the walk to Oxford Street. I was getting to the point in my pregnancy when I was starting to need maternity clothes so wanted to see what the shops had to offer. I did manage to pick up a maternity jumper in New Look for £5.00 which I was chuffed with.

Next stop Selfridges. I basically wanted to look at a brand of changing bag I had seen online as I didn't want to order it blind. Having checked out the brand we then wandered the whole shop which is not something I have done before, I tend to go to MAC and back out again. I would recommend a wander round Selfridges, there are so many beautiful things to look at.

It was during this trip that I noticed my bump had grown a lot so, I was a lot more aware of it and it was on this first day that the protect instinct kicked in. I became very aware of other people as we were in big crowds on Oxford Street and it was the first time I was scared about going on the tube.

On the way back from Selfridges we decided to go on the underground as I felt I couldn't walk back to the hotel, we had already walked just over 10 miles! I ended up crying at the ticket barrier, which was so embarrassing! I was tired, I had wet feet as apparently my favourite boots decided they didn't want to be waterproof anymore and I just wanted me and my bump to be safe. Eventually I managed to get back to the hotel via the Tube and my husband ran me a bath which was lovely before heading out for dinner.
On the Saturday we headed to Covent Garden for a wander and we wanted to be close to the theatre. We stopped off for breakfast at Bill's as I love their pancakes and I polished off the 5 stack all to myself. We then wandered around the lovely shops in Covent Garden like Rituals which has to be one of the most beautiful shops I've ever been in. We clocked up a good amount of steps again and managed to walk another 10 miles.

OMG, now the show was A-MAZ-ING. It's in the cutest little theatre and the set was so incredible, I loved every minute of it. The children in it were also outstanding. My husband is really not a musical fan but he said he really enjoyed it as well. I would highly recommend.
The following morning we then headed home. I love London, I love wandering around taking in all the sites but I also love going home again afterwards. We really did have the best 2 days.

Here's a peak at the products I am currently obsessed with that went with me in the makeup bag...
Thank you for reading
Don't forget to check out my Instagram - love.hblog & Twitter - @Love_H23blog


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